Один из самых близких к правительству Эрдогана предприниматель Этхем Санджак, владелец компании BMC, заключил сделку с военно-промышленной компанией Aselsan стоимостью 94 млн 696 тысяч евро.
Санджак известен своей преданностью президенту Реджепу Тайипу Эрдогану. «Есть арабское выражение «пусть будут жертвой ради тебя мои отец и мать». Так вот, об Эрдогане я говорю тоже самое: «пусть будут жертвой ради тебя мои мать, отец, жена и дети», – говорил бизнесмен.
Ранее Санджак заявлял, что ликвидировал весь свой бизнес ради «национального дела» и сконцентрировался лишь на работе BMC, крупнейшей в Турции компании по производству коммерческих автомобилей и военно-транспортных средств.
Соглашение между BMC и Aselsan подразумевает поставку боевых станций дистанционного управления SARP для командования Сухопутных войск, командования Генеральной жандармерии и командования Береговой охраны в период 2018-2021 года. Эрдоган утвердил четыре проекта BMC по системе государственного стимулирования и поддержки проектов.
PCT For Testosterone Cycle
Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) Guide for Testosterone Cycles
When starting Post-Cycle Therapy, it’s important to follow
a structured plan to support your body’s natural hormone production.
When To Begin PCT
After completing a full testosterone cycle (typically 4-6 weeks)
Ensure adequate recovery time before starting PCT
Duration of PCT
Typically, PCT should be implemented for:
4-6 weeks after the completion of a cycle (Testosterone Propionate, Enanthate, or Cypionate)
Key Supplements During PCT
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): 500-1000 IU per week (following a proper dosing protocol)
Antestanolic hormone (Arimidex): 0.25-1mg daily
Clomiphene Citrate: 50-100mg daily
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): 150-300 IU per
week (if needed)
Diet During PCT
Optimize your diet with:
Adequate protein intake ( lean sources like chicken, fish, eggs)
Balanced carbohydrates for energy and recovery
Healthy fats to support hormone health
Monitoring and Testing
Regular blood work is crucial:
Testosterone levels: Should begin to rise within 2-3 weeks
Estradiol and prolactin levels should be monitored
Arimidex response is important to assess
Note: Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any cycle
or PCT protocol. This guide is for informational purposes only.
**PCT for Testosterone Cycle: Your Guide to Reclaiming Natural Levels
of Test Prop, Enanthate, and Cypionate**
After completing a testosterone cycle, it’s crucial
to implement a Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan to help
your body restore its natural hormone production. This guide will walk
you through the essentials of designing an effective PCT,
including key takeaways, why PCT is necessary, how it works,
and the supplements that can aid in the process.
### **Key Takeaways**
– PCT ensures your body repairs and restores hormone levels after a cycle.
– Testosterone suppression is a natural side effect of exogenous testosterone use.
– Proper PCT prevents estrogen buildup and supports recovery.
### **Why Does Testosterone Need a Post Cycle Therapy?**
After using anabolic steroids like Test Prop, Enanthate, or Cypionate,
your body will suppress its own testosterone production. This suppression is
necessary because external testosterone can interfere with the natural hormone production process.
Without intervention, this suppression may linger, potentially causing hormonal imbalances.
PCT helps reset your endocrine system by signaling to your pituitary gland and
testes to resume normal production.
### **How Does PCT Work?**
PCT works by mimicking a condition of low testosterone levels, tricking the
body into restarting natural hormone production. This is achieved
through the use of specific supplements that target estrogen regulation, liver
health, and hormonal recovery.
### **How To Design Your PCT?**
1. **Blood Panel Testing**: Start with a comprehensive blood
panel to assess your current hormone levels,
cholesterol, and kidney function.
2. **Supplements**:
– **SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators)**: These are often used in PCT to block
estrogen receptors, preventing estrogen dominance.
– Example: Tamoxifen Liquid can be effective in managing estrogen-related side effects.
– **HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)**: Helps regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and restore natural testosterone production.
– Example: Amino Asylum – HCG 5000 is a popular choice for PCT.
– **AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)**: Prevents estrogen from
being converted into estradiol, reducing its harmful effects.
– Example: Pure Rawz – Exemestane Liquid is a
strong option for AI usage.
3. **Health-Related Supplements**:
– Amino Asylum – Glutathione Spray supports liver and kidney health during recovery.
– Ensure proper hydration and nutrition to aid in the healing process.
### **Let’sGetChecked**
Before starting any PCT, it’s essential to monitor your progress
with regular blood work. Let’sGetChecked offers at-home hormone testing
kits that provide insights into your testosterone, estrogen,
and other key markers. This helps in adjusting your PCT plan as needed.
### **PCT for Testosterone**
A well-designed PCT can help restore natural testosterone levels while maintaining gains from your cycle.
Here’s how to build a PCT tailored to your needs:
1. **Determine the Duration**: The length of your PCT depends
on the steroid used and its half-life.
– Shorter-acting steroids like Test Prop may require a shorter PCT.
2. **Cycle Support Supplements**: Use supplements like Glutathione to support liver and kidney health, which is critical
for hormone recovery.
### **SERMs (Selective Estrogen receptor modulators)**
SERMs are often the first line of defense in PCT because they target estrogen receptors,
preventing estrogen from causing side effects like
gynecomastia. Tamoxifen Liquid is a popular choice among bodybuilders due to its
effectiveness in managing estrogen levels.
### **HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)**
HCG plays a crucial role in PCT by signaling the pituitary gland to release more testosterone.
Amino Asylum – HCG 5000 is a potent option that
many athletes rely on for effective recovery.
### **AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)**
AIs are used to inhibit the conversion of androstenedione to
estrogen, reducing the risk of hormonal imbalances.
Pure Rawz – Exemestane Liquid is a strong AI that
can help in managing estrogen-related side effects.
### **Health-Related PCT Supplements**
In addition to SERMs and HCG, other supplements like Amino Asylum – Glutathione Spray can support liver health during recovery.
Proper hydration, nutrition, and rest are also critical for successful PCT.
### **Pregnancy Protocol**
It’s important to note that PCT should not be used during
pregnancy or while attempting to conceive. Consult with a medical professional before
starting any hormone therapy.
### **Will My Testosterone Levels Return to Normal after a Testosterone Cycle?**
Yes, provided you follow a proper PCT plan. Without intervention, suppression can linger for months, but the right supplements and lifestyle adjustments
can help restore normalcy in 6–12 weeks.
### **Who Should Use a PCT?**
Anyone who has completed a testosterone cycle, particularly with exogenous steroids like Test Prop, Enanthate, or Cypionate, should consider using a PCT.
This includes both experienced athletes and newcomers
looking to maintain their progress.
### **How to Keep Gains After a Testosterone Cycle?**
While PCT helps restore hormone levels, it’s essential
to maintain a calorie surplus and engage in strength training
to preserve your gains. Proper diet and exercise are key factors in long-term success.
### **Final Verdict**
PCT is an essential part of any steroid cycle if you want to
reclaim natural testosterone levels and avoid hormonal imbalances.
The duration of your PCT should be tailored to the specific steroid used, with SERMs, HCG, and AIs
often forming the cornerstone of effective therapy.
### **When Should I Take My PCT?**
– For Test Prop (short-acting), start PCT within 24 hours after the
last dose.
– For longer-acting steroids like Enanthate or Cypionate, wait until blood levels have dropped to
a low baseline.
### **How Long Should My PCT Be?**
The length of your PCT will vary based on the steroid and its half-life.
Test Prop may require just 4–6 weeks, while longer-acting steroids may need 8–12 weeks or more.
### **How Long Does It Take for Testosterone Levels
to Return to Normal After a Cycle?**
In most cases, testosterone levels return to normal within 6–12 weeks of completing PCT.
However, individual recovery times can vary depending on factors like age, genetics, and the quality of your PCT protocol.
### **What Is the Best Post Cycle Therapy?**
The best PCT will depend on your specific needs and
the steroids used. SERMs like Tamoxifen Liquid, HCG like Amino Asylum
– HCG 5000, and AIs like Pure Rawz – Exemestane
Liquid are often combined to maximize effectiveness.
### **Comments and Questions?**
If you have any questions or comments about PCT for testosterone cycles, feel free to
share below. We’d love to hear your experiences and tips!
### **Best Cycle Support – Liver, Kidney, and Cholesterol Support**
Proper cycle support is key to a successful recovery.
Supplements like Amino Asylum – Glutathione Spray can help maintain liver health,
while a balanced diet rich in antioxidants ensures overall well-being.
### **Most Dangerous Anabolic Steroids**
While Test Prop, Enanthate, and Cypionate are common, they can be dangerous
if not used responsibly. Always prioritize safety and consult with a medical professional before starting any steroid cycle.
### **Arimistane Review**
Arimistane is an AI often used in PCT to manage estrogen levels.
It’s effective but must be used carefully due to
its potential for side effects like liver stress.
### **Best Prohormone Companies**
When looking for high-quality prohormones, brands like Pure Rawz and Amino Asylum are frequently recommended by athletes and experts.
### **Turkesterone vs. Ecdysterone**
Both Turkesterone and Ecdysterone are natural steroid precursors that can enhance performance and
muscle growth. They’re often compared based
on bioavailability and effectiveness.
### **Best Ecdysterone Supplements**
Ecdysterone supplements like Proven Peptides and Labrada Naturals are popular choices for athletes looking to boost strength and size naturally.
### **Contributors**
**Daniel Louwrens, BSc PT Writer**
### **Learn More On This Subject**
If you’d like to learn more about PCT and how it works, check
out our in-depth guide on Post Cycle Therapy: What Is Palumboism (Bubble Gut)?
– Causes And The Worst Cases!(#)
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